Friday, October 28, 2011

Christmas wish!

     Well, I haven't written a blog post in a while. I decided to write one today and keep this blog updated so I don't forget anything about Anslee's first year of life. This past month, not a lot has happened. Anslee is bigger (shocker ;) ) and cuter (of course) and just a whole lot of fun! I love that little girl so much :)  Tyler is getting so much closer to graduating - just a little over a month away! - and the holidays are approaching! I'm so very excited about Anslee's first holidays.  Halloween is Monday, and Anslee's Grams and I made her a very cute witch's costume. I already have several Christmas presents hidden away for her (not that it matters if I hide them or not... haha) and I have several picked out for myself as well.... I can't wait for all the festivities to begin!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Laughing out Loud! Literally :)

     So, the past few days have been pretty momentous in the Atnip household as far as Anslee's milestones go :) On Saturday, she "found" her feet for the first time! She was sitting in her Bumbo on the floor with me, and all of a sudden, I noticed she was looking so hard at her feet and wiggling her toes around.  She was fascinated with them, and stared for a few minutes straight, which is a pretty big feat for a 2 month old! So cute :)

     Today, I was playing with Anslee and she laughed OUT LOUD for the FIRST time! It was quite possibly THE CUTEST noise I have ever heard.  She was sitting in my lap and I was stretching her arms way above her head, and it happened! She laughed, a great, big, noisy laugh! I was so proud :)  I definitely thought today deserved a blog post.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Anslee is 2 months old!

     Anslee is 2 months old (well, tomorrow she is)! Two whole months! She will be 9 weeks on Friday, which means, right now, she's been in this world for exactly 61 days. I CANNOT believe that. It's so crazy that it has been that long since she was born.  Time is really flying since we brought her home from the hospital. It kind of makes me sad. I'm so excited to watch her grow, and wonder about all the fun things we will discover about her in the future ( personality, etc...), but I'm just sad that my little bitty - not that she ever was little bitty.. haha - baby is not as little bitty anymore :(

     Today, Anslee had her first set of shots.  It was heartbreaking. I felt HORRIBLE watching her cry, as she was obviously in a lot of pain after the shots.  I'm gonna go off on my soapbox for a minute and say that  I don't understand how anyone could purposefully hurt their child... I almost cried just watching her get shots, and I know they're for her own good! She was back to her smiling self after a few minutes and a bottle ;)

    On the bright side, she weighed 13 pounds, 12 1/2 ounces today! When I took her to the doctor on August 30th, she only weighed 11 pounds, 4 ounces. She has gained a whole 2 1/2 pounds in one month! I just love her so much :) 

Here is a picture of my sweet girl right before her shots! So happy :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Blogging is fun!

     I am so obssessed with blogging! I don't know why it's so addicting, but it is. Last night, after Anslee went to sleep, instead of sleeping like I should have been, I stayed up looking at things to decorate this blog with. But, I guess I need a little "me" time during the day and the only time I can really get that is when the baby is sleeping.
    I've been a mom for 7 weeks and 2 days now, and it still hasn't sunk in that I need to give myself A LOT of extra time when getting ready to go somewhere.  Somehow, each day, I always think I am giving myself plenty of extra time, but when it comes down to it, I'm rushing to get ready.  Hopefully, I will eventually get this whole extra time thing figured out! 
     Today, Anslee had a photoshoot for The Jellybean Giraffe, with Crystal Ingle Photography! We traveled to Frisco with our Grams and took lots of fun pictures in tutus and big bows!  Anslee wore the most adorable baby witch's hat, available for purchase from The Jellybean Giraffe. When I get the pictures in the mail, I'll be sure to post them on here for everyone to see! :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Deciding to Blog....

     Since becoming a mom, I've realized just how blessed I am!  In a few years, when my baby girl is growing up, I want to be able to look back on our life with Anslee as a baby and remember all the small things - the things she loved, didn't love, special occassions, fun things, cute things... basically anything and everything about my sweet girl.  I've decided to start blogging about my daily life, so I can (hopefully) remember all the small details I would normally forget.  I'm on the computer every day, and I figured it would be easier to write a small post on a blog than to actually get a pen and paper and write down all these things.  This blog is more for my own personal use, but maybe family and friends will want to check in sometimes, too :)